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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jennifer's a Crazy Art Person!

More Penland Pictures Here : Linky
So, Jennifer was at this Art School/Commune called Penland. It was a really interesting place; definately hippie/commune type.... but Jennifer fit in well... Other than the fact that she was missing the tattoos and piercings of most of the other attendees.

Jennifer was studying metalworking, in the old fashioned way... she was being a hardcore Blacksmith. she greeted us at the foundry, where she gave us a lovely spoon that she made from iron and brass. Here, Virginia tries to feed Jennifer with the special spoon.

Here's Jennifer hard at work. It was a really interesting process to watch... get the metal hot.... beat on it with a hammer... looked like fun..
Here, Jennifer cuts off a heated piece of iron with a hammer... what an awesome concept... cutting metal with a hammer.
And of course, we had to take the necessary group picture... the wall behind us was made out of all sorts of bent, twisted and beaten metal.. all sorts of neat odd shapes and toys.

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