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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Beach Week!

Lots of More Beach Pictures, Plus Aquarium Pictures! Linky
We were at Atlantic Beach July 20th - 24th. I had to work the 19th, and it actually turned out to be kind of a late night...I don't think I got home until 4AM... so I was really less than happy when Virginia pushed me out of bed at 6:30 AM.. But, we made the trip to the beach, stopping to pick up Virginia's sister, Martha, at the airport along the way. Once getting to the beach, we opened up the house, tried to get a breeze running through, and I quickly laid claim to one of the two rooms with A/C. The trip was really great! It was relaxing, and laid back... no real plans to speak of.. we went and saw a movie one day, went to the Aquarium one day, but for the most part, I laid around on the hammock, read my books, and did a good bit of napping. Really, if the entire house was airconditioned, and had a good TV with cable, and maybe a bit of wireless internet.... it'd have been perfect. It was still relaxing and wonderful as could be.... but I'm a slave to the A/C. Maybe that's why I'm more of a Mountain person than a Beach person.

First up is the ever coveted double rainbow. We went out for a walk one night, it started to sprinkle a little bit of rain.... but the result was these wonderful rainbows.

Next up, a shot of the beach from the porch of the house.... Yes, it's really that close. The weeds are at the top of a sand dune, and right over the dune is the water. That's pretty dang awesome. You could basically get out of bed, go over the dune, get into the water, and then be back to the house in a matter of like 5 minutes.
Here I am at the Aquarium on the island. My head fit into the little cut-out on the crab perfectly. I have a picture of Viginia in the crab also, but my big fat head fills the hole much better. We scored a "Behind the scenes" tour and got to see the inner workings of the aquarium. I think our tour guide was pretty new, but she did ok.
Virginia and Martha outside of the Aquarium. One of the few pictures I got of the sisters where one wasn't making some sort of wierd face.
Virginia made a friend in the gift shop. The thing was HUGE... and of course, Virginia holding it made it look even bigger....

1 comment:

FrobiesRock said...

Aaron in that crab is HISTERICAL!!! I love the face.