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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Early April Update

Well, this month has finally ushered us into some decent weather… We both we up in Lexington for the long 4-day Easter weekend, and got to get out and enjoy the weather a bit. I put about 1700 miles on the bike, and Josh came up with us for some riding as well.

Josh and I left Thursday evening, and spent a few days at Jonathan’s house changing tires on the bikes, doing some maintenance, and playing with baby Jade.

Jade’s getting big, and getting vocal. She’s not talking quite yet, but she sings to herself, and she’s absolutely sure that she can stand up on her own, so when she’s on your lap, she’ll grab you by the shirt collar and pull herself up to standing.

Friday was the work day on the bikes, then Josh and I went for a quick ride to try to remember how to ride. Saturday was the main riding day, and some rather impressive things happened. We had a good time, put on a lot of miles, and Josh managed to drag about half of a footpeg off of his bike, AND drag a hole through his shoe and sock, but somehow had no marks on his skin.

Above is about the most natural that you’ll ever see Lisa. With a knife and a smile. She made up a pot-roast for us one night for dinner, and we sat around and did a good bit of talking.

Easter Sunday, we went over to Virginia’s folks’ house to hang out, and took a nice walk down a local trail where the flowers were blooming.

We did take a little time to stop and enjoy the playground for a bit though… For some reason, Virginia loves these bouncy things…

First thing Monday morning, the Taurus went to Jonathan for a oil change and adjustment to the transmission cables… I love taking the Taurus up there as the other mechanics tend to gather ‘round and marvel at a 1996 Taurus with 193,000 miles that really needs nothing.

Monday evening found us at Kendal, having dinner with Virginia’s grandmother, where we found this little gem of a sign on the way in. Really? 19? I could see how 20mph would be dangerous… but 19mph is just worlds safer. But, once inside for dinner, Kendal puts on a pretty amazing spread. We had fish, cous-cous stuffed quail, and some good assorted veggies. I was rather impressed.

In other news, with the warm weather settling in, we went out and got a grill yesterday. You can read about it on our Cooking Blog… but let me say… the guy who designed this thing… well… he should be punished.

Until next time… enjoy the nice weather.

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