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Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Blog mostly about Josh fighting ninjas

So this weekend we did something pretty cool. Our friend, Josh asked us to come take pictures of his Aikido Workshop (and by “us” I mean Aaron).

Josh has been doing this Aikido stuff for a while now, and I knew that it vaguely had something to do with martial arts. However, I must say, I was unprepared for the awesomeness of this sport.

I discovered this weekend, that all this time Josh was actually learning how to save us from Ninja Attack.

Evidence Number 1: We all know ninjas are sneaky, and thus more likely to attack at night. Josh wears training uniforms that are very pajama-like, so as to be prepared for a night-time attack.

Evidence Number 2: Ninjas are known to attack using hand-to-hand combat, swords, knives and poles, but never guns. Aikido involves fighting hand-to-hand, and with swords, knives, and poles… but isn’t so good defending against guns.

Evidence Number 3: Ninjas are badass. You would need an army of ninja fighters to conquer them. Well, Josh has an army of Aikido people. They actually came from all over the east coast to train.

Evidence Number 4: Ninjas have sweet moves. If you were fighting ninjas you would need sweet moves as well.

Need, I say more?!? I even got to learn some beginning ninja fighting tricks.

So, I want to send a big thank-you to Josh, for keeping us safe from the ninjas. I can tell that it takes a lot of work and practice.

In other news, I have been working on my comprehensive exam for my Education Specialist degree for the past couple weeks and I am finally finished! So keep your fingers crossed for me. I should get the results back in a few weeks.

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