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Sunday, February 28, 2010

End of February

Grace has lived the life we all should have this February. Inside in the heat all day… Lounging around… Not a care in the world… Meanwhile, outside has been crap. Nothing but snow and wind.

My basil has started to sprout… Our extra bedroom is turning out to be a good room for growing. It’s easy to block off and keep this room at a slightly higher temperature than the rest of the house.

The Chives have also started to sprout, but they’re not quite as impressive as the basil. Sprouting chives just looks like grass to me. Meanwhile, this is what it looks like outside:

Snowy. Dreary. Grey. (Or is that Gray?) In any case, it’s still not looking too lovely outside. Every once in a while, we get a bit of sunshine peeking through the clouds, but it never hangs around for long.

We’ve still been cooking up a storm, with some winners and some… “Meh, they’re ok.” … However, the side effect has been that we always seem to have tons of leftovers around. Many of the things we make aren’t possible to make in smaller portions. But, coming soon on the cooking blog will be: Crab Ravioli, and some lovely chicken dish with country ham. Virginia made an awesome Thai dish last night which is documented on the Cooking Blog.  Hopefully March will bring better weather. Virginia will be doing an “Alternative” Spring Break in the beginning of March, so she should have some fun stories from that, and I’ll most likely be heading down to Atlanta at some point soon to have a bit of suspension work done. Until next time, Everyone stay warm out there!

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