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Friday, June 13, 2008

While Aaron was at the Rally...

I went to Disney World! Actually the first two days I went to Universal Studios, Orlando. Then two days in Disney. Traveling with me were my friend Maria from my old job in Richmond and Kelly, Maria's college bud - also from Richmond. We had a blast!

This is me on the Seuss Carousel at Universal. As you can see, I look like I'm 12, but I'm having a lot of fun. Also note the awesome camel pack. Yeah, hydration.

We got to stay in an awesome resort in Disney World through my work connections, so we went over there on Tuesday. It had 3 pools and 3 acres
of water park.

We spent one full day at the Magic Kingdom. Then one day at Animal Kingdom and Epcot in the evening.

Here's me in front of the tree of life at Animal Kingdom. None of us had been to this park before but it was amazing! Lots of cool animals, shows and rides. The tree of life is hand carved with all different animals on it.

Finally, here's Mickey at the parade in Magic Kingdom.

1 comment:

FrobiesRock said...

You look so happy in the first picture! I LOVE IT! Glad you had FUN.