Well… we made it through the first month. Virginia has been an absolute champ, handling the non stop 12 hour feedings, the screaming at 2AM, and the magical diaper fills that explode from the leg holes and shoot out the back of the diaper up to the shoulder blades.
But… he’s an ok kid we guess….
He puts up with being jammed into a plastic pumpkin without complaining too much…
Also, we loaded up in the car with him and drove 2 hours to Richmond to watch the Zombie Walk in downtown Carytown….
For more zombie coverage, I took a hundred or so shots, and put them here: http://goo.gl/Xgv2Z
But, the gist is… John was well behaved and awesome for the trip. Hours in the car, and running around chasing zombies… he was a champ.
As we head into Month 2, we’re looking forward to changes… maybe a little more sleep time… more interaction… etc….